
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in vernacular architecture. The group currently has approximately 200 members.

Annual subscription is £12 per person, due on 1 January each year. Membership benefits include:

  • A copy of the annual journal, Yorkshire Buildings.
  • Four Newsletters per year.
  • The opportunity to attend all YVBSG events, some of which may be open to members and guests only. A discount on the event fee is sometimes available to members.
  • Online access to more than 1,900 building reports.
  • Online access to over 200 articles from back issues of Yorkshire Buildings.

To join, either:

Privacy Statement

This statement sets out what personal data the Yorkshire Vernacular Buildings Study Group (YVBSG) may hold about individual members and how that information will be stored and used.

Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy

This policy outlines expectations of behaviour for members of the Yorkshire Vernacular Buildings Study Group and how to report any concerns about a member's behaviour. This policy also contains guidance on safeguarding.