Events and Activities

Events for 2025 will include those listed below. Other events are being planned and details will be published here when finalised. Do visit our YVBSG YouTube channel where you will find recordings of talks and short videos of previous visits.

  • Tour of Calverley Old Hall


    Thursday 13 February 2025

    We have arranged a guided tour of the recently restored Calverley Old Hall in West Yorkshire on Thursday 13 February from 1pm to 3pm. There is no charge but donations are welcome. Numbers are restricted to 15; if you'd like to come, please book via email to David Cant, or by post to 3 Middle Hathershelf, Halifax HX2 6JQ, including a phone number for confirmation. You might have seen images of the spectacular wall paintings recently discovered at the Hall, or the splendid hammerbeam roof, but there are also more modest features of interest to be seen. Further information about the Hall can be found on the Landmark Trust website. If you can't make the YVBSG visit, public open days at the Hall are planned for 17 and 18 May 2025 - see the Landmark Trust website for details.

  • A visit to Newlaithes Manor House, Horsforth, and Kirkstall Abbey

    Sunday 2 March 2025

    A visit led by Peter Thornborrow, postponed from 2024. Newlaithes Manor House is a complicated building but in essence is an aisled hall with a rear aisle under a low sloping catslide roof heated by a large segmental-arched stone fireplace set next to the original rear Tudor-arched doorway. It has a separate housebody with seventeenth century panelled walls. The attached former two-storey parlour wing, now a small cottage, has the remains of timber-framing and a large external chimney stack for fireplaces on both floors. Of greatest interest is the four-bay aisle arcade visible at the first floor in a corridor the length of the building with board-and-muntin panelled walls set between jowled posts. Here the timber structure is covered by more plank wall panelling incorporating nine panels of Tudor linenfold panelling, very fine and rare carved with a cross design suggesting ecclesiastical origin.

    We'll meet at 10.30am. After our visit we will depart in convoy going direct to Kirkstall Abbey - to eat in their own cafe, some tables outside in the grounds.

    After lunch, we'll start our visit in the museum street, roughly at 1.30pm. Susan Wrathmell has agreed to act as our guide round the Abbey remains. She is the author of the excellent book: Leeds (Pevsner Architectural Guides: City Guides) which provides a detailed plan and description of the abbey. Entry to the abbey is £6.20 unless you are a Leeds resident when it is free. It has two museums, one in the former cloister features a re-created Victorian street.

    For full details and information on how to book, please see the document: Visit to Newlaithes Manor House, Newlaithes Road, Horsforth, and Kirkstall Abbey.

  • Vernacular Architecture of the South Pennines

    Saturday 15 March 2025

    Our annual day school this year will be held at the Imperial Crown Hotel in Halifax from 9.30am to 5pm. It will look at how the landscape, social and economic aspects are reflected in the buildings of the area, and the talks are:

    • The Vernacular Architecture Group and future directions in vernacular studies by Rebecca Lane
    • The evolution of settlement in the Upper Calder Valley by Nigel Smith
    • Christopher F Stell: a pioneering study of the vernacular buildings of the Upper Calder Valley by Peter Thornborrow
    • Features of buildings in the Yorkshire and Lancashire Pennines by Kevin Illingworth
    • The 17th century decorative plasterwork extravaganza in the Yorkshire and Lancashire Pennines by Mark Womersley
    • Some evidence for Civil War damage and rebuilding in Skipton by Susan Wrathmell

    Fee: £30 for YVBSG members, £35 for non-members, including buffet lunch and other refreshments. Closing date for booking: 1 March 2025. Full details of the programme and how to book can be found on the booking form (Word format or pdf format).

  • Introduction to traditional lime plastering

    Sunday 16 March 2025

    We are offering a full introduction to lime plastering and a practical demonstration workshop with Mark Womersley, showing you how to recreate a section of mid-seventeenth-century ornate wall plaster. The workshop will use haired lime plaster gauged with Plaster of Paris onto a lathed background and demonstrate the application of hand-shaped stucco and the fixing of cast decorative elements. The half-day, which includes pastries and hot drinks on arrival and a light lunch before you go, will be held in the Crossley Gallery at Dean Clough between 9am and 12.30pm and will cost only £45 per person. Free parking is available at the venue. Places are limited to 30 people.

    If you would like to come, please email or text Mark on 07802 549634, and he will send you a prepayment invoice and book you on this half-day workshop. Mark has worked with lime plasters for the last thirty years and will provide a fascinating and entertaining session - if you're coming to the day school on the previous day, why not stay on in the area for this extra half-day?

  • Annual General Meeting

    Date to be confirmed

    In response to several requests, the AGM will be held on an alternative day, probably by Zoom, rather than after the day school as in previous years. Details to follow.

  • Visit to Woodsome Hall, Fenay Bridge

    Saturday 12 April 2025

    We are arranging a visit to this fine Grade I listed hall near Huddersfield, now a golf club ( Details to follow.

  • Annual Recording Conference

    Friday 9 May to Sunday 11 May 2025

    We're planning to hold our next conference in the Bradford area, based at Aldersgate Methodist Chapel, Common Road, Low Moor, Bradford BD12 0TW and on Sunday at Calverley Old Hall, 10 Woodhall Road, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5NL. The conference will follow the usual format of a meal, lecture and introduction to the locality on the Friday; surveying buildings in the Wibsey, Low Moor and Horton areas of Bradford, followed by a lecture at Aldersgate, and a meal at a local venue on Saturday; and concluding with drawing up at Calverley Old Hall Community Room in the morning on Sunday, followed by lunch and a visit in the afternoon. Details to follow.

Third Thursday Talks

We are continuing to offer a series of occasional online talks which will normally take place by Zoom at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of the month. The talks are open to all (including non-members) and are free of charge. Members are notified by email as soon as booking is open for each talk, and details are also added to this website. When booking for a talk is open, please register by clicking on the 'Book now' button, which will take you to the Eventbrite booking page. Joining instructions with the Zoom link will be sent by email after booking. When possible, the talks will be recorded and published on the YVBSG YouTube channel.

Future talks

  • The Vernacular Buildings of Ethiopia: How post-mediaeval high-status, northern Ethiopian vernacular houses evolved with the traditional round church design

    A talk by Mark Womersley on Thursday 20 March 2025 at 7.30pm.

    The African and world views of Ethiopian architecture have failed to appreciate or recognise some of northern Ethiopia's earliest and most sophisticated vernacular architecture. Unlike in Western Europe and America, Ethiopia's vernacular buildings are not recorded or protected. This talk will illustrate the sophistication of the design of the most advanced vernacular houses, which need to be thoroughly studied. These homes have been hiding in plain sight, often behind plain facades and corrugated iron roofs.

    The early northern Ethiopian vernacular house design has a series of concentric spaces, with the most significant place at the centre, and this talk shows how they are directly related to the layout of the spaces found within the Ethiopian round church. The churches and vernacular houses have a clear and consistent orientation about the east-west axis, which the author surveyed in detail over three years of fieldwork at the islands and peninsulas of Lake Tana.

    Booking not yet open.